So you take a little longer to graduate than most people
So you look for a job on cragislist
So you get semi-excited in an opening in a field
that is completely not what you majored in
but it compensates moderately and the hours are moderate also
So you look at the posters name and it was a person you bullied/got in fights with
as children
You can remember the fights clearly, in "how the kids say," High Definition quality
If comedy movies are correct, childhood fights scar for the rest of your life
You also ran into him in community college
Sat within two chairs of each other and were completely
well aware of who each other was.
So you're contemplating the job interview you will never go to
that perhaps you will go through the whole interview pretending you never met
You will not give him the satisfaction
of not hiring you
or meagerly compensating you as a PE teacher.
You know this much, you know exactly
where you will go
when you win your Grammy,
And you will stroll in with your trophy, and two beautiful children
from your trophy wife.
If your wife is busy managing your book deal, polishing your Grammy
or waiting at the door to have oral sex with you when you come home
You can show him pictures of your wife and kids, On your Iphone which you can finally afford
It's the last generation's model
And no one notices
but Him