Project Apex, the project which I would undergo to become the best human in the history of mankind, has been grounded in lieu of, the just as ambitious: Project Adulthood. Project Adulthood, is about being able to carry out the daily tasks that any normal adult can do.
1. I want to be adult enough to always have my Brita pitcher half-full.
Task Prerequisites
- A Brita pitcher
- A desire to drink water that taste good.
- A desire to think that the task of filling up the Brita pitcher is actually a task at all, rather than some corollary to the bigger issue that you are masking, namely being, a desire to remain childish because you relate being an adult to the simple task of filling up a pitcher of water, which in turn, symbolizes being autonomous which is an element of adulthood. An adult would fill said pitcher, before they become thirsty not after.
Difficulty Score: 1.0 (out of 10)