Excerpt 16 of 365,000,000

"Some outcomes are predictable. Labor Law X causes Unemployment Y. Happy Hour Q causes Domestic Abuse V. Grow up in Suburb Bubble W causes Tremendous Sense of Entitlement H. However, some causes always lead to unexpected outcomes. Short Skirt Sale X causes Feelings of Unattainable Expectations Y, leading to Whole Costco Pizza Consumption R, ending in Staring in the Mirror Self Disgust K."

Excerpt from - The View From the 100th Floor


I hate using the word FAIL because it's a term the youngins use, but this video is major FAIL. This video's cringe worthiness is on par with the "maggot removeal from an eyeball video" (If you don't know what I mean, look it up on YouTube). You can almost see the hosts body language say, "What a fuckin idiot. I already told you twice, you don't have to get near the microphone. If his ability to follow directions is any indication of his personality, I'll bet his jokes will bomb."

Lesson Learned: White boys who are on Carmen Sandiego as contestants, don't try this at home.