Goodwill Interviewing

What's worse: Shopping at Goodwill or working at Goodwill? That's what I asked myself as I was being interviewed for the Community and Fund Development position at Goodwill. I laugh at my question on the inside, and the interviewer can't tell because my demeanor did not waver because I'm dead on the outside and no one can actually detect my emotions, how I feel on the inside. I find out later that the answer to my question is: Neither.
What's worse is leaving an interview at Goodwill thinking that you got hired because the interviewer decides to give you a twenty minute tour of the plant, but throughout the tour you question yourself if the interviewer gives tours to take up minutes in his day or because you got the job, and you pick up hints here and there that lead you to believe that he does this with every interview, but the clues are also ambiguous and lead to no conclusive answer, and this whole thought process is not done as the tour is happening, but only after the fact through piecing memories together trying not to favor yourself, but trying to make an objective account of what actually happened because it a has a week has passed and he hasn't contacted you despite sending an email thanking him for taking the time out of his busy day to interview you and reminding him why you are qualified, leaving you desperately waiting by gmail and cellphone for an answer "because he did say that he would contact you by Friday even if you didn't get hired," "but is it this Friday or next Friday?" you tell your self, only to find out that you didn't get hired because he contacted you by not calling you or not emailing you, he answers me by silence, the default answer. I'm asking if he can spare any change and he's replying:
and there's your answer. So yeah, I didn't get hired.

1 comment:

  1. Geez Simon you sound like all the guys I don't text back after engaging in what they think is a romantic night out on the town.
