Operation Six Pack

(Not me, yet)

We all have an Operation going on in our lives, the operation is something that is an on going conflict, like Operation Iraqi Freedom. We know in our hearts we are battling something, reaching some toward goal, we feel that the goal is concrete.
Do we know if we have thought things through?
Do we want to accomplish this goal?
When will this goal be accomplished?
Your guess is as good as mine.

For some it is Operation Pay Child Support, others Operation Be Yourself, and for a lot of us, it is Operation Six Pack or some general form of changing our bodies. We want the change, but for some reason or other we always fall flat, we disappoint ourselves.

Again like a scientician, I'm trying to find the reason for my success at Operation Six Pack. I'm not there yet, but I bought a two year 24 hour fitness membership, got over my anxiety of going to work out in front of other people, hit the gym right after work at 9 and left at midnight. And the only change I can find is...


I'm 27, I need that picture to put on Mypace of my six pack looking slyly into the mirror. All the other cool kids are doing it and I feel left out.
I've had a 2 pack before, maybe even the coveted 3 and a half, but never 6, and me want this bad.

So, basically, just wait for time to push you towards your goals, as much as I procrastinate, I never cease not doing something I want to do. Life goals are a lot like English papers, you wait till the dead line, do a half assed job; you fail the class, but next semester, next semester your going to show them.

And isn't there always a next semester people, isn't there always, think on that.

Take care of yourself, and each other.


  1. Good luck with the six pack! With all that dedication I'm sure you'll have that in time. I've been in and out of the gym. I'm hoping 2010 I can be more committed to my work out. =) Happy Holidays!

  2. the fact that you got a gym membership puts you about 5 steps ahead of others (or at least... ME ;)

    BTW, thanx for reconfirming my belief that 'you CAN judge a book by it's cover'!!!
