My God - It's Full of Stars

" it's full of stars!" -2001: A Space Odyssey

It is never silent. Late at night, you can always hear the butterfly effect of one car engine multiplied by a billion. Sounds of individual automobiles multiplying into a low roar in the night that is distinctly man made. The sound is calming, letting you know that someone is out there. Going somewhere. Lives are being lead other than your own, despite your own solitary stare into an infinite night, gazing at the light of stars long dead.


  1. I like this! I can relate. It's comforting hearing the rumbling sounds of the city as I drift to sleep knowing that I'm not alone. Perhaps, we're not alone! I'm getting sci-fi on you again haha.

    Thanks for your comment on my recent post. Maybe, if I end up expanding this story into a novella all the points you were curious about will be revealed! Until then you'll just have to make up your own fillers :)

  2. I agree. Non-musical sounds of any kind are very comforting in reminding me that 'I am not alone.' Nothing puts me to sleep like hearing a lovers quarrel outside my apartment. It's like a lullaby to my ears.

  3. You're right. When things are super quiet it kinda feels creepy. I love falling asleep to the sound of crickets just outside my house. It is kind of relaxing. =)

  4. Thanks for the comment! Actually, the 'adults' who erased the board before my class erased side to side so it looked like those wispy cirrus clouds you find on mostly clear days. It made me desperately want to be outside instead of in a 3-hour long class haha.
