He Who Laughs Last Doesn't Have Leukemia
Grab The World By Its Tail and Put it In Your Pocket
The Sun
Unemployment Line
- Alaska has 1 bookmobile. In comparison, California has 69.
Denny's Fried Cheese Melt Review
8-26-2010 @2:20AMlaontour said...I don't think this will be on the menu for very long.... Once Obamas wife hears about it she will have it banned... Remember they are removing salt from our diet even if we don't want them to however I doubt they will quit stopping at the ice cream store for those tripple dips!
8-26-2010 @2:23AMpat kelly said...Well, it is America, right. Free choice, etc. Right now, "the chosen one", Obama, is trying to legislate what we Can or Cannot eat! WRONG! I think a 'minor rebellion"-eating a big, cheesy, calorie-laden meal, (w/marinara sauce..YUMMY!)- once in a while-is OK. That also depends on your metabolism, weight, and current health status. If you are 150 lbs overweight-forget it! If you have diabetes, other issues-forget it! Bottom line here is: Use digression, and good judgment. An occasional fling of food "porn" or junk food won't give most of us a cardiac arrest. And...give Denny's a break, OK? I like their coffee! LOL!
8-25-2010 @11:19PMSteven R. Russell said...Looking at a few of the Comments posted here, it makes me sick to see how ungrateful many people are in this our Nation which God has so blessed!
"Addicted to food", etc. My goodness, for crying out loud, I've been addicted to food for all 54 years of my born days, and that is one of the things which God has used to get me this far through life.
But not really surprising at all, as the Bible clearly tells us that one of the signs that we are living in the last days, is that people will be ungrateful.
A Case of the Weekbegins
I tell my therapist that I hate Weekbegins.
Florence and the Machine - "Dog Days Are Over"
She's like a female Kanye.
BTW: I only have to reference points for music: Lil Wayne and Kanye West. She's somewhere in between.