Rosie The Riveter Dies
Addiction: Lady Gaga Covers
"Historically, addiction has been defined as physical and psychological dependence on psychoactive substances (for example alcohol, tobacco, heroin and other drugs) which cross the blood-brain barrier once ingested, temporarily altering the chemical milieu of the brain.
Some psychology professionals and many laymen now mean 'addiction' to include abnormal psychological dependency on such things as gambling, food, sex, pornography, computers, internet, work, exercise, idolising, watching TV or certain types of non-pornographic videos, spiritual obsession, cutting and shopping."
want to smoke it into my lungs and brain.
Some psychology professionals and many laymen now mean 'addiction' to include abnormal psychological dependency on such things as gambling, food, sex, pornography, computers, internet, work,exercise, idolising, watching TV or certain types of non-pornographic videos, spiritual obsession, cutting and shopping.
Lady Gaga Medley
Paparazzi: Lady Gaga covered by 11-year-old boy
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My Momma Didn't Come Here For This
Forever 29
Here's a piece I did for, reposted because it's kind of amazing.
I'm almost 29. I throw up a little every time I think about it. It's just a number, but what 35 year old woman* would shop at a store called Forever 29? I don't look 29. I sure don't act like it, but what matters are my old man memories.
I remember when you didn't want or need to know everything. No, knowing the definition of fecundity or settling a dispute among friends regarding the difference between Chris Tucker and Chris Rock will not make you a better person, it will just add to the list of things you'll look up and never use. I wonder if celebrities ever google us to see what cellphone camera movies we’ve starred in, what malls we've worked at, or the community colleges we went to?
So in a sense the older you get the more you get displaced from the present. Your memories don’t allow yourself to be present.
I'm sorry the impossibilities are over. Mommy isn’t there to say, you can be anything you want, even president. I can't quit my job and join the NFL or NBA anymore, I can't go to school again and choose a new major, I can't become mayor. It is a fuckin tragedy, like that guy who invented a cell phone that could play music because it had a cassette player built in. It boasted having dual cassette decks so you could have twenty, count em, twenty songs on your five pound phone without opening the deck to insert a new cassette. He was a laughing stock when his coworker presented the cellphone/mp3 player at the annual stock holders meeting.
Maybe instead of the memories serving as concrete points in time for comparisons, they can serve as stepping stones. Maybe we can reflect on the improvements around our world and in our selves. Maybe I’m an adult prodigy. There is a stigma with youth and genius. When I was in Mexico, no one was amazed at my Spanish skills, they said my grammar sounded like I was in Middle School, but if I was a first grader and sounded like an eighth grader I would be a prodigy. See? You have to have your breakthroughs early. Keep these things in mind, Kobe Bryant didn’t become great until he was in his late twenties, same with Kanye West. So age doesn't limit possibilities a long as your're improving. Age can be viewed as a door opening wider and wider rather than a door closing ever so slightly everyday.

Above is Brad Pitt at 39 and Will Smith at 39. I guess my best days are yet to come.
*speaking of 35 year old women
La Roux - Bulletproof
Why does she look hella old? She’s only twenty one. And why does she have a voice of someone much, much, hotter?
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First Scar
Women Need to Be More Like Gay Guys
Oh Damn
He Who Laughs Last Doesn't Have Leukemia
Grab The World By Its Tail and Put it In Your Pocket
The Sun
Unemployment Line
- Alaska has 1 bookmobile. In comparison, California has 69.
Denny's Fried Cheese Melt Review
8-26-2010 @2:20AMlaontour said...I don't think this will be on the menu for very long.... Once Obamas wife hears about it she will have it banned... Remember they are removing salt from our diet even if we don't want them to however I doubt they will quit stopping at the ice cream store for those tripple dips!
8-26-2010 @2:23AMpat kelly said...Well, it is America, right. Free choice, etc. Right now, "the chosen one", Obama, is trying to legislate what we Can or Cannot eat! WRONG! I think a 'minor rebellion"-eating a big, cheesy, calorie-laden meal, (w/marinara sauce..YUMMY!)- once in a while-is OK. That also depends on your metabolism, weight, and current health status. If you are 150 lbs overweight-forget it! If you have diabetes, other issues-forget it! Bottom line here is: Use digression, and good judgment. An occasional fling of food "porn" or junk food won't give most of us a cardiac arrest. And...give Denny's a break, OK? I like their coffee! LOL!
8-25-2010 @11:19PMSteven R. Russell said...Looking at a few of the Comments posted here, it makes me sick to see how ungrateful many people are in this our Nation which God has so blessed!
"Addicted to food", etc. My goodness, for crying out loud, I've been addicted to food for all 54 years of my born days, and that is one of the things which God has used to get me this far through life.
But not really surprising at all, as the Bible clearly tells us that one of the signs that we are living in the last days, is that people will be ungrateful.
A Case of the Weekbegins
I tell my therapist that I hate Weekbegins.
Florence and the Machine - "Dog Days Are Over"
She's like a female Kanye.
BTW: I only have to reference points for music: Lil Wayne and Kanye West. She's somewhere in between.
Nietzsche and Kanye: From One Douche Bag to Another
First Date
Gulie and Gulia
Fucked Well
He is a good ball licker.
Tom thinks he is a good fuck.
Use the adverb form well when describing how something or someone does something.
She did extremely well in the gangbang.
His asshole held up well.
In conlusion, don't let a couple seconds of improper grammar use, ruin a couple seconds of good sex.