Lazy Swastika

I drew at least 10 different versions of this swastika, scanned and photoshopped. I had a drawing where a female Swastika gives birth to the Star of David, with her husband unaware of her cheating ways. It got really complex so, I scrapped it. This final drawing is going into my book.

Project Adulthood

Project Apex, the project which I would undergo to become the best human in the history of mankind, has been grounded in lieu of, the just as ambitious: Project Adulthood. Project Adulthood, is about being able to carry out the daily tasks that any normal adult can do.

1. I want to be adult enough to always have my Brita pitcher half-full.

Task Prerequisites
  • A Brita pitcher
  • A desire to drink water that taste good.
  • A desire to think that the task of filling up the Brita pitcher is actually a task at all, rather than some corollary to the bigger issue that you are masking, namely being, a desire to remain childish because you relate being an adult to the simple task of filling up a pitcher of water, which in turn, symbolizes being autonomous which is an element of adulthood. An adult would fill said pitcher, before they become thirsty not after.
Difficulty Score: 1.0 (out of 10)

Is It In You?

Can you still be hungry at 27 for your passion? Wouldn't it have starved to death by now?

Red Pill or Blue Pill?

If you run into Morpheus and he asks you which pill you want to take: the red pill or the blue pill? You take both. Because you get waaayy higher that way.
Update: Waaayy higher may consist of blunt force trauma and sexual assault in an alleyway depending on the company you keep.