OMG My Ovaries Exploded

Best song ever. Classic example of combining a lot of so-so things to make a masterpiece. Thank you technology, thank you OCD causing me not to be able to enjoy a full song. Just throw all the hooks together, which is usually the best part of a song which we mumble through the lesser lyrics for anyway. Remember when mash ups where only two songs? This song takes five lesser songs and makes a Pussycat Dolls. Play this at my funeral. Get outta my way... Outta my way

Word of the day: Lesser

Excerpt 20 of 365,000,000

"Don't look so disturbed it just the beginning."

- Excerpt from - We'll be Americans

Excerpt 19 of 365,000,000

"We’re all packed in the gym. Performing military presses for our shoulders, dumbbell flies to fill in the center of the chest, sweating, soreness, suffering, working out for the same girl. She deosn’t know our name and we don’t know hers, but we have made eye contact with her breasts her butt and her arms. Sometimes her eyes.

The girl on the outer thigh machine.

Everyday she comes in at seven reading Peoples magazine using the outer thigh machine not looking to see what weight the machine is set at. Monday she was moving 10lbs and today it is 70, howerver she moves it at the same deliberate pace. She just sits down spreads her legs, spreads her thighs, arching her back. Knees pushing against the pad forcing her legs open for the maximum recruitment of muscle fibers. We are desperatelty seeking the approval of the

The girl on the outer thigh machine

Pumping biceps in sleeveless shirts, we're all in the gym for her,

The girl on the outer thigh machine

Downing a cocktail of supplements, creatine, protein, arginine for

The girl on the outer thigh machine

We hope she notices all this work, all this flexing, all this hair removal, all this tanning, all these reps, engorging every muscle in our bodies with blood, increasing the girth and thickness of our quads, extending the bicep peak, in an attempt to transform ourselves into a single hard muscle, turning the body into one giant throbbing penis, hard to the touch."

Excerpt from The Girl On The Outer Thigh Machine

Excerpt 16 of 365,000,000

"Some outcomes are predictable. Labor Law X causes Unemployment Y. Happy Hour Q causes Domestic Abuse V. Grow up in Suburb Bubble W causes Tremendous Sense of Entitlement H. However, some causes always lead to unexpected outcomes. Short Skirt Sale X causes Feelings of Unattainable Expectations Y, leading to Whole Costco Pizza Consumption R, ending in Staring in the Mirror Self Disgust K."

Excerpt from - The View From the 100th Floor


I hate using the word FAIL because it's a term the youngins use, but this video is major FAIL. This video's cringe worthiness is on par with the "maggot removeal from an eyeball video" (If you don't know what I mean, look it up on YouTube). You can almost see the hosts body language say, "What a fuckin idiot. I already told you twice, you don't have to get near the microphone. If his ability to follow directions is any indication of his personality, I'll bet his jokes will bomb."

Lesson Learned: White boys who are on Carmen Sandiego as contestants, don't try this at home.

Excerpt 14 of 365,000,000

Peering over the balcony of the hundredth floor, the city is my petri dish. I’ve analyzed him for weeks, the man on the street, the one that sleeps beneath my balcony. He and the other organisms avoid each other’s glances at stoplights, bump into each other at coffee shops, and collide into each other in dimly lit bedrooms; all within the walls of the dish, all within the confines of the city limits.

“Honey, didn’t I tell you to pour water on the stoop so he can’t sleep there anymore,” I hear my girlfriend yell from the living room. She is referring to Bright Eyes, the man I’ve been analyzing.

At this altitude, the people on the street not only appear smaller they move slower; the closer you are to a large mass, in this case the earth, the slower time passes. Conversely time moves faster on the 100th floor, I age slightly faster than my neighbors on the 99th floor. It is indiscernible to most people because gauging it is either beyond their means comprehend or irrelevant to them.

I yell back into the living room, “Chelle, he’s one of those special homeless people, the kind that start developing resistance to our cures, like an HIV virus, he just keeps mutating. I’m telling you, the more we try to mess with him the stronger he’s getting. Trying to contain him is like trying to hold mercury that has no home and unemployed, in one’s hand.”

When I am around her I have to be someone else, I can’t let her know how smart I am. It would scare her, scare most people that I know she has exactly 105 eyelashes on her left eye lid and 106 on her right, that I have created several charts that display every possible shoe, top, bottom combination, or that she uses an average of eight minutes to decide what to wear and that she goes through an average of sixty one of those 2,000 combinations and that she inevitably settles on twenty of those combinations.

“Just pour some water...wait, come take a look at these new shoes I got first,” she says.

Combinations possible: 206

“It's not a good idea. Last Tuesday when I was coming home late from the lab, I saw him getting sprayed by the street cleaning trucks that come every at 2:00am. I was laughing so hard, I was barely able to record a video and upload to YouTube. The video was all wobbly, so naturally, this week I waited in my car. I was shaking, shivering, because I was trying to compose myself while holding in my laughter, but this time, he just laid there with his clothes laid down nicely to welcome the blast of water. He was a adapting, he was a learning homeless."

Excerpt From - The 100th Floor Balcony

Excerpt 14 of 365,000,000

"Are band-aids just mini maxi pads, or is it that maxi pads are giant band-aids?"

- Excerpt from Deep Thoughts, No Deeper, Deeper

Excerpt 13 of 365,000,000

Kanye at Costco

"My normal, is not your normal."

-Excerpts from Conversations with Kanye

Excerpt 12 of 50

My feet are that of the feline quality
I always land feet first
collapse with a purpose
like a slinky
bending with organized function

My powers are limitless
My home is where my heart is
I revolve around the Sun
My balls are planetary

Entrance stage left: food poisoning

Stomach says
please use side door
side door says
exit from rear
barfing from your asshole

Exit stage right: optimism, belief, all hope

We are nothing but flesh meat tubes
a human straw with appendages to put food in one end
limbs are on bottom end to move to the appropriate social accepted place
to evacuate the remains of aforementioned food
the meat straws collide aimlessly
running to one another at work, on dates, at sporting events
constantly taking pictures of themselves

moving in the billions
a petri dish, petri entrée
for one
like microbes we look
under his microscope eye
existing in the granular
he looks from such a distance
that he couldn't account for emotions,
morality, or The Super Bowl
he just saw his meat tubes colliding
his fingers are too big to write anything
voice so loud it obliterated dinosaurs

I hate food poisoning
I can taste purple
see Sounds

- Excerpt from Nah Man, I Really Think I Need to Go to The Hospital

Excerpt 11 of 50

"The human element is unimportant, the value of the individual comes from the function they can provide. Man at his best is an appendage of society, at his worst a cancer to be removed or isolated, whether man sleeps, laughs, or loves is altogether irrelevant..."

- Excerpt from They Came From Econ1

When It Rains It Pours...OMG WTF!!!

This is what happens when Sandra Bullock doesn't show up.


Best use of "Umbrella's" lyrics and instrumentals.

If anyone knows how to combine this version of "Umbrella" with the first video, I will impregnate you and give you our my first child. Or you can put the volume down on the first video and turn the second one up like me.

Excerpt 9 of 50

I woke up today and did my body fat check
I curl into the fetal position in my bed
as I'm underneath my sheets and feel
how much skin I can pull from my belly
when you're in this position bent and scrunched up
contract your ab muscles
you can feel the separation between fat and skin
the more skin I can grab the skinner I am

I get out of bed and look in the mirror
full frontal, naked
I flex a bit , and then i notice something
I'm more tan than I was the day before
for the past six weeks I've been lamenting the rainy weather and
the fading of my tan
something is up

was it the ghosts?
the ones that whisper my name as I enter my apartment
"Siiiiimon... Siiiiimon,"
soft howling
" left your car lights on
you wouldn't want your battery to die...Siiiiimon
Sometimes when my cellphone would fall in the crack between the wall
and the bed, they would levitate my phone up to me

or was it the aliens
they abuducted me last night
it has to be
and gave me a tan
gave me all knowledge
every fact, memory, equation
and Natalie Portman's facebook password

That was the worst part
it's like they didn't believe that
I could get her to add me as a friend on my own
like they had to toss me a bone