Rosie The Riveter Dies

In factories
working side by side by with men
brothers and
you laid a foundation
ushered in a new era
of sexual harassment at the work place
both sexes now equal to sexually harass one another
more so the men
Rosie you are captivating, riveting while riveting
boobs bounce when you pound those nails in
commanding that heavy nail gun
with your slender arms

Sexual Harassment? You decide.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Addiction: Lady Gaga Covers

I couldn't really get into the actual songs, but for some reason, any remix, mash-up or cover of the Lady Gaga songs makes me want to smoke it into my lungs, and shoot it up my veins, making my blood run with Gaga.

Wikipedia on addiction:

"Historically, addiction has been defined as physical and psychological dependence on psychoactive substances (for example alcohol, tobacco, heroin and other drugs) which cross the blood-brain barrier once ingested, temporarily altering the chemical milieu of the brain.

Some psychology professionals and many laymen now mean 'addiction' to include abnormal psychological dependency on such things as gambling, food, sex, pornography, computers, internet, work, exercise, idolising, watching TV or certain types of non-pornographic videos, spiritual obsession, cutting and shopping."

want to smoke it into my lungs and brain.

Some psychology professionals and many laymen now mean 'addiction' to include abnormal psychological dependency on such things as gambling, food, sex, pornography, computers, internet, work,exercise, idolising, watching TV or certain types of non-pornographic videos, spiritual obsession, cutting and shopping.

Lady Gaga Medley

Paparazzi: Lady Gaga covered by 11-year-old boy

Excerpt 8 of 50

54. Masturbating to someone who's less attractive than you.

55. Slow roller-coasters.

56. "Moderate" Google searches.

-Excerpt from A List of Pointless Things

Excerpt 6 of 50

"'s like she works for a news company called 'Shit That No One Cares About.'"

- Excerpt from Her Facebook Status

Excerpt 7 of 50

"Because I'm a writer, I see my life as narrative, a story. I create obstacles for my longings, punish the protagonist with weakness, tragic flaws, vanity, hubris. To add tension to the plot, I'm indecisive, I create conflicts for myself: me vs. boss, me vs. self-loathing, me vs. nature, me vs. society, me vs. God, me vs. fate, or me vs. meaning of life.

There are internal struggles, I make the wrong choices, and neither you nor I know what's going to happen next. Neither you nor I know, "how he's going to get out of this one." There are unfulfillable desires. A lot of them.

These lofty goals and the subsequent fulfillment and attainment of them in the climax, in the final pages, not only create a better story, but come much to surprise to both you and I."

-Excerpt from Why I'm Still Procrastinating in My Late Twenties

My Momma Didn't Come Here For This

O beautiful for spacious skies,

For amber waves of grain

For purple mountain majesties

Above the fruited plain!

Death Panels


God shed his grace on thee

And crown thy good with brotherhood

From sea to shining sea!

Santa, this year I want a little less batshit in my melting-pot, and hold the racism, I'm allergic to that shit.

Happy Kwanzaa Everyone!