No, I never let the water run

I remember when Jerry Falwell accused the purple Teletubby of being gay, and said that the show secretly promoted homosexual lifestyle to unsuspecting children, but Barney somehow, went under his radar.

Okay, he messed up trying to act out brushing his teeth, but what about the "turning off the facet" that just happens to look like you're tickling some guy's balls, while you're already blowing someone.

He's so enthusiastic and energetic, his body language is, "I get anxious when dicks aren't dripping wet with saliva."

Real Life Michael Scott?

This is a comment that I found on a blog, regarding the book Four Hour Work Week that I copy and pasted. The book is basically about trimming down your work week to only four hours a week, hence the title. Four hours of work a week sounds great, but an issue with the book was brought up by critics, "What if you like your job? What if your job is your passion? Why would you limit yourself to only four hours?" The book is for people with jobs, that aside from monetary gain, have zero reward, and are absolutley soul crushing. Well, here's a response from someone who's a defender of the book and in denial about being in the rat race:

I do project management, but my passion is comedy (stand-up, improv, sketch). But just because my job title doesn't say comedian, doesn't mean I can't work to incorporate my passion into my job through trainings, or how I send email, or what I do to build up my team. While that won't be the case for every passion, you can be creative and find ways that you can combine both "work" and "passion."

Someone needs to get a camera crew and film one of his training sessions.